If you've worked on IBM® AIX®, another flavor of UNIX®,
or Linux®, you've more than likely used the vi editor.
Since its conception in 1976, vi has become a staple for
anyone wanting to edit files. How could someone make a
more powerful editing tool than vi, you may ask? The
answer is Vim, and this article provides details on the
many enhancements that have made Vim a highly used and
acceptable editor in the world of UNIX and Linux.
Like other UNIX operating systems and Linux, the IBM AIX
operating system has several powerful tools that arm systems
administrators, developers, and users to tackle day-to-day
tasks and to simplify their or their customers' business and
life. One such tool in UNIX is the ability to write shell
scripts to automate tasks, simplifying difficult or long and
tedious jobs.
Although some who have worked on UNIX for a couple of
years have dabbled in shell scripting, they are still most
likely learning the ins and outs of the operating system and
haven't yet mastered scripting. This article provides tips
to those wanting to learn more about shell scripting and how
to begin writing more advanced scripts. It provides basic
fundamentals of programming in general, including how to
simplify the script, how to keep the script as flexible as
possible, how to write a clean script, documenting inside
the script, and debugging the script.
Keep it
One issue people run into when learning how to shell
script well is duplicating work they've already done in a
script. Rather than copying their work and changing a couple
of hard-coded values, they could simply create a function to
handle the work for both areas of the script. Creating
centralized functions also standardizes and provides for a
uniform script. If a function works in one area of the
script, it's a safe bet it will work elsewhere in the
script, as well.
For example, the script shown in Listing 1 should be
condensed and simplified considerably into a smaller and
more clean-looking program.
Listing 1. Example of a script that can
be simplified
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]
echo "Usage: ${0##*/} <file name #1> <file name #2>
exit 0
if [[ ! -f "${1}" ]]
echo "Unable to find file '${1}'"
exit 1
if [[ ! -r "${1}" ]]
echo "Unable to read file '${1}'"
exit 2
gzip ${1}
ls -l ${1}.gz
if [[ ! -f "${2}" ]]
echo "Unable to find file '${2}'"
exit 1
if [[ ! -r "${2}" ]]
echo "Unable to read file '${2}'"
exit 2
gzip ${2}
ls -l ${2}.gz
This script looks awful! (Thankfully, it's only an example.) The script
should be condensed as much as possible. To ease the eyes of
readers, Listing 2 provides a cleaner version.
Listing 2. Condensed example of the
Listing 1 script
exit_msg() {
[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && echo "${0##*/} (${1}) - ${2}"
exit ${1:-0}
[[ $# -lt 2 ]] && exit_msg 0 "Usage: ${0##*/} <file name #1> <file name #2>
for _FNAME in $@
[[ ! -f "${_FNAME}" ]] && exit_msg 1 "Unable to find file '${_FNAME}'"
[[ ! -r "${_FNAME}" ]] && exit_msg 2 "Unable to read file '${_FNAME}'"
gzip ${_FNAME}
ls -l ${_FNAME}.gz
Notice the differences? By adding a simple function to display a
message and exit with the appropriate return code as well as
moving everything into a for loop, the script
looks cleaner and is easier to understand.
Keep it flexible
Another issue that novices to programming and shell
scripting encounter is hard-coding static values into a
program or shell script. This limits the flexibility of a
script and, in short, is bad programming. To keep
administrators or developers from constantly having to
modify a script to work a certain way with other values, use
variables and supply arguments to the script or function.
For example, Listing 3 is an example of a poorly written
and inflexible script.
Listing 3. Example of a script that isn't
if [[ -f /home/cormany/FileA ]]
echo "Found file '/home/cormany/FileA'"
elif [[ -f /home/cormany/DirA/FileA ]]
echo "Found file '/home/cormany/DirA/FileA'"
echo "Unable to find file FileA"
This script works but is limited to searching for a single file in only
two locations.
To expand on the idea, the script in Listing 4 provides
the same feel but allows users to search for any file in any
Listing 4. Making a script more flexible
exit_msg() {
[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && echo "${0##*/} (${1}) - ${2}"
exit ${1:-0}
[[ $# -lt 2 ]] && exit_msg 1 "Usage: ${0##*/} <file name> <location>"
[[ ! -d "${_DNAME}" ]] && exit_msg 2 "Unable to read or find directory '${_DNAME}'"
if [[ -f "${_DNAME}/${_FNAME}" ]]
exit_msg 0 "Found file '${_DNAME}/${_FNAME}'"
exit_msg 3 "Unable to find file '${_DNAME}/${_FNAME}'"
This example is more flexible, as it allows users to enter any file
they want to search for in any directory.
Give them options
When writing a shell script, some users may say, "It
would be great to have this!" or "I'd love to be able to do
that!" while others may not necessarily agree and may not
want to perform the same action. People love options, so why
not give them some? The built-in shell command getopt
does just that job.
Listing 5 provides a basic example of how getopt
works in AIX.
Listing 5. getopt example
_ARGS=`getopt -o x --long xxxxx -n ${0##*/} -- "$@"`
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
case "${1}" in
-x|--xxxxx) echo "Arg x hit!"; shift;;
--) shift; break;;
*) echo "Invalid Option: ${1}"; break;;
When executing the script containing getopt , named
opttest, using a valid argument of -x -or
--xxxxx , getopt recognizes the
switch and executes the code within the case switch:
And again with an invalid switch or option:
# ./hm -a
Invalid Option: -a
Document, document, document
We all fall prey to this issue at one point in our
careers. You've been asked to look at a script that was
written 10 years ago by someone who no longer works for the
company. No problem, you say? Typically, it won't be an
issue, but if the script is complex, executes commands
you’re not accustom to, is written in a different style than
you're use to, or just doesn't work, it's extremely helpful
to get some hints as to what the person was thinking when
the script was originally created. Other times, you may be
the person who developed a script that you thought was to be
used once and never again. Or maybe you wrote a huge script
that you've worked on for weeks and know inside and out, but
if someone else looked at it, that person would be
completely confused. These are just a few examples of why
documentation is sometimes as important to the developer as
the script is to the user.
Take the function shown in Listing 6 from a snippet of
Listing 6. Example of a script with no
confirm_and_exit() {
[[ ${_DEBUG_LEVEL} -ge 3 ]] && set -x
while [[ -z ${_EXIT_ANS} ]]
cup_echo "Are you sure you want to exit? [Y/N]
${_TPUT_CMD} cnorm
read ${_NO_EOL_FLAG:+${_READ_FLAG:-'-n'}} ${_NO_EOL_FLAG} _EXIT_ANS
${_TPUT_CMD} civis
case ${_EXIT_ANS} in
[Nn]) unset _EXIT_ANS; return 0;;
[Yy]) exit_msg 0 1 "Exiting Script";;
*) invalid_selection ${_EXIT_ANS}; unset _EXIT_ANS;;
return 0
If you've worked with shell scripting for a while, you may be able to
read this. However, someone just learning scripting will
look at this and not know what this function is doing.
Taking a few extra minutes to add comments in the script can
make a world of difference. Listing 7 shows the same
function with comments.
Listing 7. Example of a script with
# function confirm_and_exit
confirm_and_exit() {
# if the debug level is set to 3 or higher, send every evaluated line to stdout
[[ ${_DEBUG_LEVEL} -ge 3 ]] && set –x
# Continue to prompt the user until they provide a valid answer
while [[ -z ${_EXIT_ANS} ]]
# prompt user if they want to exit the script
# cup_echo function calls tput cup <x> <y>
# syntax:
# cup_echo <string to display> <row on stdout to display>
<column on stdout to display>
cup_echo "Are you sure you want to exit? [Y/N]
# change cursor to normal via tput
${_TPUT_CMD} cnorm
# read value entered by user
# if _NO_EOL_FLAG is supplied, use value of _READ_FLAG or “-n”
# if _NO_EOL_FLAG is supplied, use value as characters aloud on read
# assign value entered by user to variable _EXIT_ANS
read ${_NO_EOL_FLAG:+${_READ_FLAG:-'-n'}} ${_NO_EOL_FLAG} _EXIT_ANS
# change cursor to invisible via tput
${_TPUT_CMD} civis
# if user entered “n”, return to previous block of code with return code 0
# if user entered “y”, exit the script
# if user entered anything else, execute function invalid_selection
case ${_EXIT_ANS} in
[Nn]) unset _EXIT_ANS; return 0;;
[Yy]) exit_msg 0 1 "Exiting Script";;
*) invalid_selection ${_EXIT_ANS}; unset _EXIT_ANS;;
# exit function with return code 0
return 0
This may seem tedious and a bit of overkill for such a small function,
but the value of the comments to a novice shell scripter or
someone just looking at the function can be invaluable.
Another extremely helpful use for comments in shell
scripts is to explain what variables may be as well as
explaining return codes.
The example in Listing 8 is from the beginning of a shell
Listing 8. Example of variables not
trap 'exit_msg 1 0 "Signal Caught. Exiting..."' HUP INT QUIT KILL ABRT
trap 'window_size_changed' WINCH
LESS="-P LINE\: %l"
Again, it's quite difficult to understand what the traps are suppose to
do or what the values are for in each variable. Unless you
follow through a script completely, these variables mean
nothing. In addition, there's no mention of any return codes
used in the script. This can make troubleshooting a problem
in a shell script much more difficult than it really needs
to be. Adding a few comments to the lines in
Listing 8 and
adding a section on which return codes are used and their
descriptions cuts down on confusion immensely. Take a look
at Listing 9 below.
Listing 9. Example of variables
# traps
# trap when a user is attempting to leave the script
trap 'exit_msg 1 0 "Signal Caught. Exiting..."' HUP INT QUIT KILL ABRT
trap 'window_size_changed' WINCH # trap when a user has resized the window
# defined/exported variables
_MSG_SLEEP_TIME=3 # seconds to sleep for all messages
# (if not defined, default will is 1 second)
_CUSTNUM_SIZE=6 # length of a customer number in this location
# (if not defined, default is 6)
_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 # log debug messages. log level is accumulative
# (i.e. 1 = 1, 2 = 1 & 2, 3 = 1, 2, & 3)
# (if not defined, default is 0)
# Log levels:
# 0 = No messages
# 1 = brief messages (start script, errors, etc)
# 2 = environment setup (set / env)
# 3 = set -x (A LOT of spam)
_TMPDIR="/tmp" # directory to put work/tmp files
# (if not defined, default is /tmp)
_SP_LOG="${0##*/}.log" # log of script events
# file to customer record requests,
# also read at startup
_MENU_ITEMS=15 # default number of items to display per page
# (it not defined, default is 10)
LESS="-P LINE\: %l" # format 'less' prompt. MAN less if more info
# export the variables defined above
Doesn't that look better? Everything is organized and detailed, and
someone reading the script for the first time will have a
better chance in understanding what the program is doing.
You've finished writing the script, and now it's time to
run the program for the first time. But when you execute the
script, some unexpected errors are displayed. Now what? No
one is perfect, and writing scripts from scratch to the
point of not getting errors takes a lot of time and
experience—most of the time, even that won't save someone
from easily missing a character or transposing a couple of
characters. Don't worry: The shells in AIX and other flavors
of UNIX and Linux have it covered and can help with
For example, the shell script in Listing 10, named
make_errors (and rightfully so), has been written and is
ready to be executed.
Listing 10. Example of a script with
while [[ ${_X} -le 10 ]]
[[ ${_X} -lt 5 ]] && echo "X is less than 5!
_Y=`expr ${_X) + 1`
if [[ ${_Y} -eq 6 ]]
echo "Y is now equal to ${_Y}"
However, when executing the script initially, the following error is
# ./make_errors
./make_errors: line 11: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./make_errors: line 16: syntax error: unexpected end of file
One awesome debugging tool that you're already using and didn't know is
Vim. Vim is a powerful text editor but also lends a helpful
hand in debugging. If your .exrc or .vimrc file is set up to
display colors for certain error conditions, Vim will do
most of the work for you, as Figure 1, below, shows.
Figure 1. Debugging with Vim
The first error (line 11: unexpected EOF while looking for
matching `"' ) says something is going on with line
11, but after looking at the line, nothing looks wrong with
it. Take a look at line 9. A double quotation mark (" )
is missing at the end of the string being echo -ed.
This is a good example why you must look at the script as a
whole when debugging. The line number displayed may not
always be where the actual error originated. Line 11 is
reporting an error because line 9 started to encapsulate a
string with double quotation marks, but the string was not
fully encapsulated until line 11. To correct the error, add
double quotation marks to the end of line 9.
Something else is blatantly showing up as an error, as
well. In line 11, after the value of variable _X
is a closed parenthesis () ) highlighted in red.
This is Vim doing your job for you and telling you that
there's something wrong. It looks like the value of variable
_X started with an opening curly bracket ({ )
but didn't end correctly with the closing curly bracket (} ).
Simply changing ) to } should do
the trick.
Nice job: Two errors fixed so far. Run the script again
and see what happens:
./make_errors: line 12: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
./make_errors: line 12: ` fi'
Yet another error. This error says that there's a problem in line 12,
but the line only has a fi completing the
if statement. What's wrong with that? Keep in mind
what happened with the previous error. Not all errors
originate at the line at which the shell reports the
problem. The shell is simply reporting where an error
occurred, but this could mean that the cause of the error
started before the shell reported a failure. It's a safe bet
that in a script this small, the error may be in the actual
if statement. Thinking back to basic shell
scripting logic, an if statement consists of
if , then , and fi .
Looking at the conditional statement, it looks like there's
a missing then . Simply add the then
into the script. When you're finished, the script should
look like Listing 11.
Listing 11. Corrected script from
Listing 10
while [[ ${_X} -le 10 ]]
[[ ${_X} -lt 5 ]] && echo "X is less than 5!"
_Y=`expr ${_X} + 1`
if [[ ${_Y} -eq 6 ]]
echo "Y is now equal to ${_Y}"
Run the script one more time:
# ./make_errors
X is less than 5!
X is less than 5!
X is less than 5!
X is less than 5!
Y is now equal to 6
Congratulations! The script now works as expected.
The set -x
Sometimes, performing the basic troubleshooting steps of
a shell script isn't as easy as it was in the above example.
If all else fails, you're banging your head against the
wall, and have no idea why the script is failing, the final
step is to pull out the big guns! Ksh, Bash, and other
modern shells include the switch -x in their
set commands. Using the set –x
option, every command evaluated is expanded and displayed to
stdout. To make the evaluated code stand out, set –x
uses the value of the PS4 variable and prepends it to every
line of code displayed. Keep in mind this can be a lot of
text to absorb, so be patient when looking through it.
Tone down the loop count on the previous example, add
set -x to the beginning of the script as well
as a comment, and execute it, as shown in Listing 12.
Listing 12. Example of set -x
set -x
# loop through and display some test statements
while [[ ${_X} -le 4 ]]
[[ ${_X} -lt 2 ]] && echo "X is less than 2!
_Y=`expr ${_X} + 1`
if [[ ${_Y} -eq 3 ]]
echo "Y is now equal to ${_Y}"
Before you execute the script, change PS4 to something that will stand
Next, spam yourself with possibly very valuable information, as shown
in Listing 13.
Listing 13. Example output from set -x
# ./make_errors
DEBUG => _X=1
DEBUG => [[ 1 -le 4 ]]
DEBUG => [[ 1 -lt 2 ]]
DEBUG => echo 'X is less than 2!'
X is less than 2!
DDEBUG => expr 1 + 1
DEBUG => _Y=2
DEBUG => [[ 2 -eq 3 ]]
DEBUG => _X=2
DEBUG => [[ 2 -le 4 ]]
DEBUG => [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
DDEBUG => expr 2 + 1
DEBUG => _Y=3
DEBUG => [[ 3 -eq 3 ]]
DEBUG => echo 'Y is now equal to 3'
Y is now equal to 3
DEBUG => _X=3
DEBUG => [[ 3 -le 4 ]]
DEBUG => [[ 3 -lt 2 ]]
DDEBUG => expr 3 + 1
DEBUG => _Y=4
DEBUG => [[ 4 -eq 3 ]]
DEBUG => _X=4
DEBUG => [[ 4 -le 4 ]]
DEBUG => [[ 4 -lt 2 ]]
DDEBUG => expr 4 + 1
DEBUG => _Y=5
DEBUG => [[ 5 -eq 3 ]]
DEBUG => _X=5
DEBUG => [[ 5 -le 4 ]]
As you can see, there's a lot of information here: Every single command
has been evaluated and executed. Also notice that the
comment place in the shell script was not displayed in the
debug information. This is because the string was a comment
and therefore not executed after evaluation. Thankfully,
nothing was wrong with this script after you made the
original corrections!
One thing to keep in mind when using set -x
is that if the script you're evaluating has internal
functions, set -x will carry over to its child
function if placed in the root body of the code. However, if
set -x is placed only in the internal function,
only code and child functions called within the internal
function will carry in the debug option; the
root body of the shell script will not, as it knows nothing
of its child function calling the routine.
We're always improving on our method of programming,
regardless of whether it's shell script, C , the
Java™ language, or another language someone is working on.
Stick to the basic rules of simplifying the work, keeping it
clean and flexible, and documenting your code, and soon
you'll be writing top-notch shell scripts with a little help
from the debugging method you've learned. Good luck! |
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