Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Using SQLAlchemy: Python Object Relational Mapper

SQLAlchemy is a next-generation Python Object Relational mapper. Learn how to use the new 0.5 API, work with third-party components, and a build a basic Web application.


Object Relational Mappers, or ORM's, have developed a substantial amount of buzz in the last few years. Most of this buzz is because ORM's are most often talked about within the confines of Web application frameworks, as they are critical component in a Rapid Development stack. Some Web frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails have taken the approach of designing a monolithic stack that tightly integrates a homegrown ORM to the framework, and others like Pylons, Turbogears, and Grok have decided on more component-based architecture with swappable third-party components. Each approach has its advantages as a tight integration can allow for a very cohesive experience if the problem maps to the framework, and a component-based architecture allows for maximum flexibility in design. This article is not about Web frameworks, though; it is about SQLAlchemy.

While SQLAlchemy is used in many of the next-generation Python Web frameworks built on top of the WSGI specification, it is developed as a standalone project by Mike Bayer, and a core team of developers. One of the advantages to using a standalone ORM like SQLAlchemy is that it allows a developer to think about the data model first, and lets them decide about how they want to visualize the data later, be it in a command-line tool, or a Web framework, or a GUI framework. This is a very different approach to development than deciding to first use a Web framework, or GUI framework, and then deciding how to use use the data model within the confines of what the frameworks philosophy will allow you to do.

One of the goals of SQLAlchemy is to provide an enterprise-level persistence pattern that works with a wide range of databases such as SQLite, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, MS-SQL, SQLServer, and Firebird. SQLAlchemy is in very active development and the most current API revolves around version 0.5. Please the resources section for links to the official API documentation, tutorials, and a book on SQLAlchemy.

One of the testiments to the success of SQLAlchemy is the rich community that has developed around it. There are several extensions and plugins to SQLAlchemy including: declarative, Migrate, Elixir, SQLSoup, django-sqlalchemy, DBSprockets, FormAlchemy, and z3c.sqlalchemy. In this article we go through a tutorial on the new 0.5 API, examine some of the third-party libraries, and finally look at how it can be used in Pylons.


This article assumes you will use Python 2.5 or greater, and subversion installed. Python 2.5 includes the SQLite database and as such serves as a great in memory tool for experimenting with SQLAlchemy. If you have Python 2.5 installed, you will only need to install the sqlalchemy 0.5 beta through the use of setuptools. To get the setup tools script, download and run these four commands in your terminal:

  wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py
  python ez_setup.py
  sudo easy_install http://svn.sqlalchemy.org/sqlalchemy/trunk
  sudo easy_install ipython


The first three lines of code check out the latest version of sqlalchemy and add it as a package to the Python installation on your local system. The final code snippit installs IPython, which is a useful interactive Python interpretor that I will use throughout the article. The first thing to do is to test the version of SQLAlchemy installed. You can test that you have version 0.5.x by issuing this command in the IPython, or regular Python, interpreter.

 In [1]: import sqlalchemy
 In [2]: sqlalchemy.__version__
 Out[2]: '0.5.0beta1'


SQLAlchemy 0.5 quick-start guide

The new release of 0.5 brought about a few significant changes to SQLAlchemy. Here is a quick rundown of the changes:

  • Declarative extension is the recommended way to start in most cases.
  • session.query() can accept any combination of class/column expressions.
  • session.query() is also more or less an ORM-enabled replacement for select().
  • Query has some experimental update()/delete() methods on it for criterion-based updates/deletes.
  • The Session expires itself after rollback() and commit(); so using the default sessionmaker() means you usually don't have to clear() or close(); Objects synchronize with the current transaction automatically.
  • Things go into the Session using session.add(), session.add_all() (save/update/save_or_update are deprecated).

Although the declarative extension has been in SQLAlchemy since 0.4, it has undergone some small changes that make it a powerful shortcut for most SQLAlchemy projects. The new declarative syntax allows for the creation of a table, class, and mapping to the database in one step. Let's take a look at how this new syntax works for a tool that I wrote to keep track of filesystem changes.

Listing 1. New SQLAlchemy declarative style
#/usr/bin/env python2.5
#Noah Gift

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData, ForeignKey

Base = declarative_base()
class Filesystem(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'filesystem'

    path = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

    def __init__(self, path,name):
        self.path = path
        self.name = name

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Metadata('%s','%s')>" % (self.path,self.name)



With this new declarative style, SQLAlchemy is able to create a table in a database, create a class, and the mapping between the class and the table in one spot. If you are new to SQLAlchemy, you should probably learn this way of setting up the ORM, but it is also good to know there is a more explicit way of controlling each of these steps, as well, if your projects require that level of detail.

If you look at this snippit of code, it is important to point out a few things that might trip up people who are new to either SQLAlchemy or to the new declarative extension. The first thing to point out is that the line

Base = declarative_base()

creates a class that you then inherit from in the Filesystem Class. If you save and run the code in the article declarative_style, and then import it in IPython, you will see this output:
In [2]: declarative_style.Filesystem?
Type:  DeclarativeMeta
Base Class: <class 'sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.DeclarativeMeta'>
String Form: <class 'declarative_style.Filesystem'>


This DeclarativeMeta type is the magic that allows all of the actions to occur in one simple class definition.

Another thing to point out about this example is that it doesn't actually do anything yet. The actual table will not be created until you run code to create a table, and you also need to define what database engine SQLAlchemy will use. Those two lines of code look like this:

       engine = create_engine('sqlite:///meta.db', echo=True)


SQlite is an ideal choice for experimentation with SQLAlchemy, and you can choose to either use an in-memory database, in which your line would look like this instead:

        engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)


or just create a simple file, as the first example demonstrates. If you choose to create a SQLite file-based database, you can easily start over from scratch without deleting the file by just dropping all of the tables in the database. You can do that by issuing this line of code:



At this point, we know enough to create a SQLAlchemy project and control the database from the SQLAlchemy API. The only other major item to tackle before getting into a real-life example is the concept of a session. The SQLAlchemy "official" documentation describes the session as the handle to the database. In practical use, it allows for distinct, transaction-based, connections to occur from a pool of connections that SQLAlchemy has waiting. Inside of a session it is typical to add data to the database, perform queries, or delete data.

In order to create a session, peform these sequential steps:

        #establish Session type, only need to be done once for all sessions
        Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
        #create record object
        create_record = Filesystem("/tmp/foo.txt", "foo.txt")
        #make a unique session
        session = Session()
        #do stuff in session.  We are adding a record here
        #commit the transaction


This is really all that needs to be done to get up and running with SQLAlchemy. While SQLAlchemy has a very sophisticated API that does many complicated things, it is really very simple to get started with. To end this section, I should also point out that when you created the engine in the example above, you did it with echo=True. This is a very handy way to see the actual SQL that is created by SQLAlchemy. It is highly recommended to use this if you are new to SQLAlchemy, as it will take away any perceived magic about what SQLAlchemy does. Now run some of the code you created and see the SQL to create a table.

Listing 2. SQLAlchemy SQL table-creation output
2008-06-22 05:33:46,403 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec PRAGMA
2008-06-22 05:33:46,404 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec {}
2008-06-22 05:33:46,405 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec 
CREATE TABLE filesystem (
 name VARCHAR, 


Pylesystem: A realtime filesystem metadata indexer similar to Spotlight or Beagle

Talking abstractly about how you could use a tool is very hard to follow for many people, so I'll show you how to create a metadata tool using SQLAlchemy. The goal of this tool is to monitor the filesystem, create and delete events, and keep these changes in a SQLAlchemy database. If you have ever used Spotlight on OS X, or Beagle on Linux®, then you have used a real-time filesystem indexing tool. To follow along, you need to run the Linux kernel 2.6.13 or higher.

The next example is a bit big, coming in at a little under 100 lines of code. Look at the whole example, run it, and then I will walk through what each section does. In order to run this script, you must perform these actions in the terminal:

  1. wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py
  2. sudo python ez_setup.py
  3. sudo easy_install
  4. sudo easy_install http://svn.sqlalchemy.org/sqlalchemy/trunk

Listing 3. Filesystem event-monitoring database
#/usr/bin/env python2.5
#Noah Gift 06/21/08
#tweaks by Mike Bayer 06/22/08  
import os

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session

from pyinotify import *

path = "/tmp"

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///meta.db', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base()
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))

class Filesystem(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'filesystem'

    path = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

    def __init__(self, path,name):
        self.path = path
        self.name = name

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Metadata('%s','%s')>" % (self.path,self.name)

def transactional(fn):
    """add transactional semantics to a method."""

    def transact(self, *args):
        session = Session()
            fn(self, session, *args)
    transact.__name__ = fn.__name__
    return transact

class ProcessDir(ProcessEvent):
    """Performs Actions based on mask values"""

    def process_IN_CREATE(self, session, event):
        print "Creating File and File Record:", event.pathname
        create_record = Filesystem(event.pathname, event.path)

    def process_IN_DELETE(self, session, event):
        print "Removing:", event.pathname
        delete_record = session.query(Filesystem).\

def init_repository():
    #Drop the table, then create again with each run
    session = Session()

    #Initial Directory Walking Addition Brute Force
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
        for file in filenames:
            fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
            record = Filesystem(fullpath, file)

    for record in session.query(Filesystem):
        print "Database Record Number: Path: %s , File: %s " \
        % (record.path, record.name)


if __name__ ==  "__main__":


    wm = WatchManager()
    mask = IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE
    notifier = ThreadedNotifier(wm, ProcessDir())

    wdd = wm.add_watch(path, mask, rec=True)



To see the results of this script in action, you must have two terminal windows open. In the first window, run the pylesystem.py script. You will see a bunch of output that looks something like this (Please note that the following version is partially supressed for space):

2008-06-22 07:18:08,707 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec ['/tmp/ba.txt', 'ba.txt']
2008-06-22 07:18:08,710 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec COMMIT
2008-06-22 07:18:08,715 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec BEGIN
2008-06-22 07:18:08,716 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec SELECT filesystem.path
 AS filesystem_path, filesystem.name AS filesystem_name 
FROM filesystem
2008-06-22 07:18:08,716 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..ec []
Database Record Number: Path: /tmp/ba.txt , File: ba.txt 


This first script runs a multi-threaded file system event-monitoring engine that writes all create and delete changes to the /tmp directory into the sqlalchemy database. Just a note: because it is multi-threaded, you will have to type Control + \ to stop the threaded appliction when you finish the tutorial.

Now that it is running, you can create events in the second terminal window, and the newly created files or deleted files will be added or subtracted to the database in real time. If you simply "touch" a file in /tmp, such as touch foobar.txt, you will see this output in the first window:

Creating File and File Record: /tmp/foobar.txt
2008-06-22 08:02:19,468 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c BEGIN
2008-06-22 08:02:19,471 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c INSERT INTO filesystem (path, name) VALUES (?, ?)
2008-06-22 08:02:19,472 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c ['/tmp/foobar.txt', '/tmp']
2008-06-22 08:02:19,473 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c COMMIT


Remember earlier you enabled the SQL to echo? Because of this, you can see the SQL statements as the code adds this new entry to the filesystem. If you now delete that file, you can see the delete happen, as well. Here is what it looks like when you type in a rm statement, rm foobar.txt:

Removing: /tmp/foobar.txt
2008-06-22 08:06:01,727 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c BEGIN
2008-06-22 08:06:01,733 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c SELECT filesystem.path
 AS filesystem_path, filesystem.name AS filesystem_name 
FROM filesystem 
WHERE filesystem.path = ? 
2008-06-22 08:06:01,733 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c ['/tmp/foobar.txt']
2008-06-22 08:06:01,736 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c DELETE FROM filesystem WHERE filesystem.path = ?
2008-06-22 08:06:01,736 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c [u'/tmp/foobar.txt']
2008-06-22 08:06:01,737 INFO
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..4c COMMIT


In the Filesystem class, you added a transactional method that you will use a decorator to handle the semantics of the commits to the database for filesystem events. The actual Filesystem I/O monitoring in Pyinotify is done by the ProcessDir class, which inherits and overrides methods from ProcessEvents. If you notice the respective methods, process_IN_CREATE and process_IN_DELETE each have the fancy transactional decorator attached to them. All they do then is take the create or delete events and make the changes to the database.

There is also a method called initial_repository that populates the database each time the script is run by destroying and then recreating the tables to the database. At the very bottom of the script, tell the Pyinotify code to run indefinitely, and this is ultimately meant to run as a deamon.


This article covered some of the new features of SQLAlchemy, demonstrated how easy it is to get started, and how very simple the API is to use. You also built an incredibly powerful tool in under 100 lines of Python code,by using the elegance of SQLAlchemy and the hard work of an open-source library, Pyinotify. This is one of the features of a simple yet powerful ORM. It takes the mind-numbing complexity of dealing with relational databases, and makes it a joy, not a burden. That energy can then be devoted to spending time solving an interesting problem, as SQLAlchemy will be the easy part.

If you are interested in learning more about SQLAlchemy, you should read some of the resources listed at the end of this article. Listed there are an excellent book and a tremendous amount of outstanding online documentation. Finally, when you get the hang of things, you might consider exploring some of the other projects that use SQLAlchemy and extend it. One of the more interesting recent SQLAlchemy-related projects is the Website reddit.com. It was built using the pure WSGI framework Pylons, which incorporates SQLAlchemy as its default ORM. I have included a link to the full source code for reddit. With your newfound knowledge of SQLAlchemy, you should be able to get your own reddit clone up and running quickly, and should be able to dig right into some of database queries. Good luck and have fun!

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