Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Securely administer client access in a central location with NIS+


Network Information Service plus (NIS+), a service used for network naming and administration, expands the services provided by Network Information Service (NIS). NIS+ works on a client-server model, and it stores information at a central location that allows clients to access it over the network. This central location, called the NIS+ namespace, can store information such as security details, workstation addresses, mail information, and so on.

The NIS+ namespace is hierarchical in nature, and it can be easily configured according to the logical structure of an organization. NIS+ also has a special security system to protect the structure of the namespace and its information; it checks both authentication and authorization to process a user's request.


This article summarizes the basic steps and commands for NIS+ installation, configuration, and administration.

Installation and configuration

The installation and configuration examples use the following machine names as root server and client:

  • NIS+ server: server (
  • NIS+ client: client (



The installation of NIS+ requires the bos.net.nisplus fileset.

  1. Check the availability of the fileset using the following command:


    # lslpp –l | grep bos.net.nisplus 


  2. Planning the NIS+ layout includes selecting the root domain name, root server machine, clients, and slave machines. Preparing a sketch of the domain hierarchy is also handy when configuring NIS+.


  3. The /usr/lib/security/methods.cfg file should have the NISPLUS module defined in it, as follows:


            program = /usr/lib/security/NISPLUS


    The NISPLUS load module should be available in /usr/lib/security.

  4. In the /etc/security/user file, define the SYSTEM attribute in the default section as NISPLUS or compat:


     SYSTEM = NISPLUS OR compat


  5. Include the /usr/lib/nis directory in the default PATH, as follows:


    # export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/nis 



Starting the configuration of NISPLUS server requires a root domain name. Let's use the root domain name isl.com.

  1. Execute the nisserver command, as follows:


    # nisserver -r -d isl.com 


    You should see the following display:

    # nisserver -r -d isl.com.
    0513-059 The keyserv Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 303260.
    This script sets up this machine "indus29" as an NIS+
    root master server for domain isl.com..
    Domain name             : isl.com
    NIS+ group              : admin.isl.com
    NIS (YP) compatibility  : OFF
    Security Level          : 2=DES
    Is this information correct? (type 'y' to accept, 'n' to change)


    Change the attributes defined above by selecting n, and select y to continue.

    You should see the following display:

    This script will set up your machine as a root master server for
    domain isl.com without NIS compatibility at security level 2.
    WARNING: this script removes directories and files related to
    NIS+ under /var/nis directory with the exception of the client_info
    NIS_COLD_START and NIS_SHARED_DIRCACHE files which will be
    renamed to <file>.no_nisplus.  If you want to save these files,
    you should abort from this script now to save these files first.
    WARNING: once this script is executed, you will not be able to
    restore the existing NIS+ server environment.  However, you can
    restore your NIS+ client environment using "nisclient -i"
    with the proper domain name and server information.
    Do you want to continue? (type 'y' to continue, 'n' to exit this script)


    Select y to proceed, which triggers setting up the NIS+ server.

  2. The next step is to populate the NIS+ tables from the local files. You can use the following series of steps to copy the required files to the /var/tmp/nisplus directory, and then use the nispopulate command to populate the tables. This might take a long time, depending on the number of users in the system.


    # mkdir -p /var/tmp/nisplus
    # cp /etc/passwd          /var/tmp/nisplus/passwd
    # cp /etc/hosts           /var/tmp/nisplus/hosts
    # cp /etc/group           /var/tmp/nisplus/group
    # cp /etc/rpc             /var/tmp/nisplus/rpc
    # cp /etc/protocols       /var/tmp/nisplus/protocols
    # cp /etc/networks        /var/tmp/nisplus/networks
    # cp /etc/services        /var/tmp/nisplus/services
    # cd /var/tmp/nisplus
    # /usr/lib/nis/nispopulate -v -F -f -l <passwd>


    You have to give a password with the nispopulate command, which is used later for communication between the clients and server.

  3. Add the root server to the hosts table using the following command:


    nistbladm –A cname=<rootservername.domainname.> name=<rootservername> 
       addr=<ipaddress of rootserver> hosts.org_dir.domainname 


    For example:

    nistbladm -A cname=server.isl.com. name=server addr= hosts.org_dir.isl.com 
    |-------- XML error:  The previous line is longer than the max of 90 characters ---------|


    The addition of this entry to the host table completes the NIS+ server configuration.

  4. To check if the server is up, run the following commands:


    # niscat passwd.org_dir
    # nisls


  5. Use the following command to add clients to the hosts table on the NIS+ server:


    # nistbladm –A cname=<clientname.domainname.> name=<clientname> 
       addr=<ipaddress of the client> hosts.org_dir.domainname.


    For example:

    # nistbladm -A cname=client.isl.com. name=client addr= hosts.org_dir.isl.com
    |-------- XML error:  The previous line is longer than the max of 90 characters ---------|


  6. After adding clients to the host table, go to a client and initialize the client by using the following series of commands:


    # /usr/lib/nis/nisclient -D
    # stopsrc -s keyserv
    # /usr/lib/nis/nisclient -i -h <rootservername> -a <rootserverip> -d <domainname> 


    For example:

    # /usr/lib/nis/nisclient -i -h server -a -d isl.com


  7. Reboot the client:


    # shutdown -Fr


    Configuration of the NIS+ client is now complete.

  8. You can use the nisstat command from the client to check the server details. This ensures that the setup is correct.


    # nisstat 



This section discusses general administration and basic commands for your NIS+ setup.

  1. To stop NIS+ and remove the domainname, enter the following:


    # stopsrc -s nis_cachemgr
    # /usr/lib/nis/nisserver -D
    # stopsrc -s keyserv
    # /usr/lib/nis/nisclient –D


    Remove all the files in the /var/nis/ directory.

  2. To create a group, check the domainname and use the nisgrpadm command to create a group (for example, testgrp).


    # domainname 
    # nisgrpadm -c testgrp.isl.com
    Group "testgrp.isl.com" created


  3. To see if the groups formed, enter:


    #  nisls groups_dir


  4. To create an NIS+ user (for example, nispuser), enter:


    # nismkuser nispuser 


  5. To display the users, enter:


    # niscat passwd.org_dir 


    Similarly, you can use the niscat command to check several entries present in the NIS+ tables. For example, you can use it to display the host entries, as follows:


    # niscat -h hosts.org_dir


  6. To add the user to a group, enter:


    # nisgrpadm -a testgrp nispuser


    The command added nispuser.isl.com to the testgrp.isl.com group.

  7. To check the group entry for the testgrp group, enter:


    # nisgrpadm -l testgrp.isl.com


    To check the group entry for the testgrp.isl.com group, enter:




  8. Another useful command is nisls, which can be used to check the entries of the NIS+ tables. For example, to list the tables that have been populated, enter:


    # nisls org_dir   


    To list the groups, enter:


    # nisls groups_dir 



Though NIS+ has some advantages over NIS, it is important to note that there is no relation between NIS+ and NIS. The commands and the overall structure of NIS+ are different from NIS. The syntax for some commands in NIS+ is different from the commands for NIS. NIS+ was designed from scratch, and it is not an extension of NIS.

See the Network Information Services (NIS and NIS+) Guide in the Resources section for detailed information on other commands used for NIS+ administration.

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