Saturday, November 15, 2008

Installing mplayer on Fedora Core 2

NOTE: if you read the tutorial and are still experiencing difficulties and would like help, you are asked to start a new topic on the forums.
Please do NOT reply to this thread to ask a technical question. Replies to THIS thread should be corrections and enhancements on the tutorial/howto only.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation.


This proved the easiest method for me:

[1] Go to and download the following three RPMs:
- mplayer-gui
- mplayer-codecs-essential
- mplayer-skin-default

[2] Place them in their own directory (eg. "mplayer")

[3] cd to that directory and enter this command:
# rpm -Uvh *.rpm

[4] This will install all three packages (mplayer with all the essential codecs and the default skin)


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